Our Letchworth History Photo Album

Photo 129



Black and White Photographs

Taken by unknown Tourists

circa 1900

These two rare photographs show the interior of the Council House around the beginning of the 20th century. The photograph above was taken from the west end of the Council House, the bottom view from the east end. Note the wooden benches, probably the same ones constructed when the building was moved and restored in 1871-72. Mr. Letchworth's canoe can also be seen in the rafters.

Visitors to the Grounds were allowed to go inside the Council House, in fact, Mr. Letchworth exhibited some of his artifact collection in the structure until the Genesee Valley Museum was completed in 1898. The lack of artifacts in the photographs leads us to believe that these photographs were taken sometime after the Museum was finished.

Although visitors are no longer allowed inside to sit on the old wooden benches, the Council House remains an important reminder of the long history of Letchworth Park and the Genesee Valley.





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