Pieces of the Past
Artifacts, Documents, and Primary Sources
from Letchworth Park History

A Tribute to the "Boys"
of the Civilian Conservation Corp

The CCC Statue at Letchworth Park
Lower Falls Area

Photograph by Tom Breslin

Civilian Conservation Corps Enlistee

"This statue of a CCC enrollee was dedicated May 31, 2003 in honor of the more than 3,000 men who served in four camps in Letchworth State Park between 1933 and 1941. It is 20th in a series of statues intended for placement in every state and territory the CCC were active in and is the first such statue erected in New York. Funding for the statue was provided by donations from The Friends of Letchworth State Park, CCC alumni and the public."

(We thank Stephanie Spittal for writing this caption for us. Stephanie is currently President of the Friends of Letchworth State Park, the organization instrumental in the creation and placement of the statue.)

Also see

A Glimpse of the CCC in Letchworth Park

CCC work projects in Letchworth Park




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All rights reserved by Tom Cook & Tom Breslin